The book will be replaced by the metaverse
Elon Musk is a genius, his story is incredible, few people will dispute that. But that would be reducing life to its economic dimension, which is very reductive. Like many sectors, culture is greatly disrupted by new technologies and the new generation that is arriving. Elon Musk is a forerunner and unfortunately it is true when it comes to culture: his favorite book is« The Lord of the Rings ». No comment.
Millennials and the next generation, the Gen Z, no longer read. They are just looking for entertainment and their spare brain time is being taken away by screens. Newzoo is a benchmark in research and data analysis for the entertainment industry. Its latest survey on consumer behavior in entertainment is pictured below.
The observation is relentless: the oldest still watch television and still read, while the youngest do not read but play video games a lot. The lack of culture in the Silicon Valley is inexorably spreading, so there is no surprise to see these people attracting us in their virtual world where philosophy and poetry are replaced with primary adrenaline.
The metaverse will kill the book and history will remember that Amazon, one of the biggest tech companies, a player in the metaverse tomorrow, started by selling … books!
“To read is to eat and drink. The mind that does not read loses weight like the body that does not eat.“
Victor Hugo
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